
picture copied from keys-soap

這瓶防曬是之前在Claire家推薦給大家,也幫大家做了一次合購,大家使用過後的反應都還不錯,不過,今天會寫這一篇文章,並不是要再來宣揚這瓶有多好用,而是要來針對裡面的 nano zinc oxide(奈米氧化鋅)成份做一個討論。




There are over 1400 recorded studies showing no penetration of nano zinc oxide on record from universities, national labs from the EU, US, Australia and research from a number of other countries.  The US FDA has gone public and stated that they do not have a concern.  At the same time, the NGO’s continue to rage a battle of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt without presenting any conclusive data or studies.

I have attached a PDF file with the EWG reversal of their anti-nano position from last year.  It is on page 3 of the document.  Also, I would suggest that you look at some of the communication on regarding the subject.

Our position is always one of looking for the safest avenue to product solutions.  Zinc oxide as been used for nearly 100 years in Calamine lotion, baby diaper rash ointments and rosacea therapies/medications.  Most of these particles are macro and micro sized, but a recognizable percentage have been nano from time beginning.  We agree with the many concerned about other nano particles like silica, mica etc, but as scientists first, we want to see data.  Opinion is a great thing to test and start a hypothesis, but we believe that it is where opinion should end and facts take over.

We firmly believe that life is full of risks and that we all must diligently manage these risks.  We also believe that UV has proven to cause skin cancer.  Chemicals in sunscreens are suspected of causing elevated cancer rates.  …And, there is no data or facts suggesting that nano or macro zinc oxide is harmful.  To the contrary, we personally believe it is therapeutic.  There is lots of opinion though!


這些討論跟回應,老實說並沒有完全把我對奈米氧化鋅的疑慮排除,但是Keys的態度跟回應的速度,確實有讓我用比較正面的態度來看待這個產品。如果要問我會不會繼續用這瓶防曬,我會說,在還沒有找到比這瓶更好的防曬之前,我還是會繼續用,不過我會開始去尋找我的下一瓶理想防曬。這其實很不容易,像我昨天開完會,跑去附近的一家whole foods,去研究架上所有的防曬油,幾乎能夠試用的擦上都有踩到地雷的感覺,又油又膩,還有味道很噁心的,要像Keys這瓶這麼清爽又有防曬效果的,真的不容易找,但是在沒有充份的數據證明奈米氧化鋅是安全之前,還是會害怕......


P.S. EWG的報告裡有一件值得注意的事。在抽驗市面上八瓶寫含有氧化鋅成份的防曬後發現,每瓶防曬成份的氧化鋅都是奈米分子,卻只有其中二瓶有明確的標示出是奈米氧化鋅,這個在FDA沒有明確規定之前,我想還是會有許多廠商為了避免消費者的疑慮而不會主動說明其氧化鋅是否為奈米分子,又是另一個消費者的無奈啊.....

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